07408 Ukraine, Kiev region, Brovarsky district, Kvitneve,Hoholivska st, 1-А



In October 2017 The magazine “World of Products” interviewed Sergey Didkovsky, Deputy Director of RLTs LLC.

Constant improvement of the quality of work, services and customer service allows the company to create a unique service and range of services. How such uniqueness is formed, read below in the article or in the new issue No. 6 of the World of Products magazine!

Logistics operator RLC (Refrigerated Logistics Center) is a customer-oriented company. Constant improvement of the quality of work, services and customer service allows the company to create a unique service and range of services. How such uniqueness is formed, said Sergey Didkovsky, deputy director of LLC RLC.

RLC is a young company. But she has already managed to take a leading position in the market of logistics services. What contributed to this success?

Sergey Didkovsky. Yes, this is true, the logistics operator RLC in the market recently, but during this time our company has managed to achieve significant results and currently has a fairly large client portfolio.
Today, RLC conducts operations in three logistics complexes in Kiev and Odessa regions, the total area of ​​which is more than 300 thousand m2. Complex logistic operator RLC in with. Kvitnev, Brovarsky district of Kiev region with an area of ​​63 thousand m2 - is the center of "cold" logistics with medium-temperature and low-temperature modes. Our company has developed and implemented a unique project for our country to create a logistics operator that provides a range of services in the sector of warehouse and distribution multi-temperature logistics. We arrived at this decision on the basis of an analysis that showed a lack of quality services in the segment of medium-temperature and low-temperature storage. At the same time, the market for products requiring such regimes is developing, retail is growing quantitatively and qualitatively, and the requirements for observing the continuity of the cold chain are increasing. Therefore, we have created such a platform where product suppliers, retailers, and providers of a number of services are focused. The purpose of such localization on one site of diversified companies is to obtain a common result and overall savings in the supply chain. According to our analytical data, there are no analogues in technological equipment and the range of services provided by such complexes as RLC not only in Ukraine, but also in Eastern Europe.

But not only the scale makes the logistics complex unique?

S. D. No, of course. We are positioning our new complex as class A +. Thus, we want to emphasize that we not only have a unique building, but also all the operational and management processes we are trying to raise to the highest level. After all, the essence of logistics is in the complete optimization of processes. By providing customers with a range of high-quality services, we create additional value for their own business. The organization of our activities involves a professional approach to business. It is this approach of conscientious work, high professionalism, and enthusiasm for one’s own business that allowed us to reach national leaders in the shortest time by market standards in terms of area and quality of services, moreover, in difficult market conditions.

What components include the concept of "quality logistics services" of your company?

S. D. Our main customers are companies in the segments of the food market of chilled and frozen food. The quality of work with such products implies the strict observance of all food safety standards, including standards of sanitation and hygiene, strict observance of temperature regimes, concern for the integrity of goods, strictly authorized access to products and much more. The objectives of satisfying such requirements are subordinated to the entire organization of work, the equipping of chambers and work areas, the park of equipment, training and staff development. High responsibility for the safety of our customers' goods is confirmed by the presence of its own fire station with modern equipment and fire fighting technology. Also an important factor for our customers is savings. After all, energy and operating costs are part of the cost of services for customers. Therefore, the most modern energy-saving technologies were used in the construction and equipment of our complex, which allows us to reduce the cost-based part for customers. We strive at a proper quality level to give an optimal price. Therefore, the processes are organized in such a way as to minimize losses. So for us, the concept of quality means the quality of work with a client's product and the approach to its cost part.

What additional services are included in the offer portfolio of the logistics operator RLC?

S. D. We have two key strategic goals: in the medium term, to continue the implementation of the process optimization program in order to reduce the cost of services for customers and to create our own fleet of specialized vehicles. The implementation of this project will complete the formation of our company as a 3PL-operator. We also continue the process of passing the necessary certification for compliance with the requirements of international quality management and food safety standards.We look forward to the entry of large transnational retailers, manufacturers and suppliers of FMCG goods to the Ukrainian market. With the stabilization of the economy and the political situation in the country, we will receive a new impetus and plan to act as the center of "cold" logistics throughout Ukraine. In the longer term, the RLC complex should be the center of logistics operations throughout Eastern Europe.

What directions does the company plan to develop in the future?

S. D. We have two key strategic goals: in the medium term, to continue the implementation of the process optimization program in order to reduce the cost of services for customers and to create our own fleet of specialized vehicles. The implementation of this project will complete the formation of our company as a 3PL-operator. We also continue the process of passing the necessary certification for compliance with the requirements of international quality management and food safety standards.We look forward to the entry of large transnational retailers, manufacturers and suppliers of FMCG goods to the Ukrainian market. With the stabilization of the economy and the political situation in the country, we will receive a new impetus and plan to act as the center of "cold" logistics throughout Ukraine. In the longer term, the RLC complex should be the center of logistics operations throughout Eastern Europe.

How does the company's customer base expand?

S. D. I want to note that the warehouse of the logistics operator RLC was commissioned in 2014. This coincided with a difficult period for the country, when many segments of the market were in stagnation. The influence of the price factor strongly pressed on the market. But even in such conditions, we managed to fill the warehouses with high quality, while fully meeting the requirements of our customers. And today we have only seasonal vacancy. The fact that not a single client left us for complaint reasons is an indicator of the high level of our quality and range of services, our ability to understand customer needs and satisfy / implement them. Today, such large networks as Fozzy Group, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine, Novus, ATB and others are concentrated on our site. This allows our customers - suppliers of goods for retailers - by placing our stock balances to optimize their costs and supply chain. By means of internal logistics, having received goods from our client, we organize delivery to retail networks. At the same time, there are no complaints about temperature conditions. For example, if the network needs a frozen bird at -18 ° C, then the process of moving goods inside the warehouse is organized in such a way that the delivery of one pallets to the territory of the distribution center of the network takes 3 minutes, and the temperature properties of the goods remain normal. Among production companies, our customers are market leaders in chilled and frozen poultry products, meat, eggs and egg powder, seeds, frozen berries, ice cream and frozen products, dairy products and other food products.

This approach brings your company to a partner level of customer relations, when increasing the efficiency of your activity increases the business efficiency of partners?
S. D. Of course! We are trying with our partners to find the most effective solutions and show them on our platforms the opportunities that they sometimes do not see. We are a professional approach to the processes in logistics, so we can suggest how to reduce certain costs, improve the efficiency of partner logistics operations. By improving the quality of our work, consolidating the service and the range of services in one place, we strive to create some uniqueness for our clients. I can say that our approach to activities, the approach to the organization of processes, as well as customer care are individual in each individual case.We are a customer-oriented company that is responsive to any customer requests, which puts the customer's needs a step above their own. The market of logistics services is rather narrow and consolidated. You can entrust your goods only to an operator who is firmly on his feet and can guarantee its safety.
The conversation was led by Olga But


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