07408 Ukraine, Kiev region, Brovarsky district, Kvitneve,Hoholivska st, 1-А

Food loss and waste policy

Food loss and waste policy– фото 1

1. General Provisions

This policy has been developed in accordance with the requirements of FSSC 22000 and other applicable legal regulations governing the activities of LLC "RLC" and the handling of food products.

The policy defines the key principles and directions aimed at preventing, minimizing, and effectively managing food losses and waste within LLC "RLC."

This policy is mandatory for all employees of LLC "RLC" involved in the processes of receiving, storing, shipping, and/or transporting food products.

2. Policy Objectives

Minimization of Losses and Waste:

Maintaining loss and waste levels at or below the target percentage of the total volume of products processed in the warehouse.

Prevention of Product Spoilage:

Ensuring proper storage and transportation conditions for food products to prevent spoilage and loss of quality.

Process Optimization:

Improving the processes of receiving, storing, and shipping products to reduce the risk of damage or product loss.

Increasing Employee Awareness:

Providing regular training and instructions to staff on proper product handling, storage rules, and methods to prevent losses and waste.

Effective Waste Management:

Ensuring proper collection, storage, and transfer of food waste (defective products) to the product owner for further disposal in compliance with legal requirements.

3. Scope of Application

This policy applies to all types of food products stored in the warehouse, including:

  • Frozen products
  • Refrigerated products
  • Products without specific temperature storage requirements

4. Responsibilities of LLC "RLC" Personnel


Responsible for the overall implementation of this policy and the provision of necessary resources to achieve its objectives.

Quality Control Department Staff

Responsible for monitoring warehouse processes and training personnel on food loss and waste prevention.

Warehouse Manager

Responsible for organizing warehouse operations to ensure timely detection and recording of losses and waste, as well as communicating with customers regarding further actions with such products.

Warehouse Staff

Responsible for complying with product storage and transportation regulations, timely detection and reporting of losses and waste, and fulfilling other policy requirements.

5. Procedures

Product Reception:

  • Checking expiration dates, packaging condition, and product appearance upon receipt
  • Recording all cases of product non-compliance with established requirements
  • Inspecting the sanitary condition of transport vehicles
  • Preparing the necessary documentation in case of detected losses or damages

Product Storage (According to Customer Requirements):

  • Maintaining appropriate temperature and other storage conditions
  • Organizing warehouse placement considering product compatibility and expiration dates
  • Regularly inspecting product condition and expiration dates

Product Shipment:

  • Inspecting product condition before shipping
  • Checking the sanitary condition of transport vehicles
  • Preparing necessary documentation (recording non-compliances) during shipping

Handling of Losses and Waste:

  • Timely detection and recording of all cases of losses and waste, indicating the product type, quantity, cause, and responsible person
  • Separate storage of food waste (defective products) in accordance with established rules
  • Transferring food waste to the product owner (Customer) for further disposal

6. Monitoring and Analysis

  • Regular monitoring and analysis of data on losses and waste to identify trends, problem areas, and develop corrective measures
  • Conducting periodic inventory checks of warehouse stocks to control quantity and product quality (visual assessment)
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of implemented measures to reduce losses and waste

7. Improvement

  • Continuous improvement of policies and procedures for food loss and waste prevention and minimization based on monitoring and analysis results
  • Implementing innovative technologies and methods aimed at reducing losses and waste
  • Conducting regular training to enhance personnel qualifications on food loss and waste prevention

This policy is publicly available on the company's website for all interested parties and applies within the activities of LLC "RLC."

The policy is subject to periodic review (annually if necessary) to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

We welcome feedback from interested parties regarding the implementation and content of this policy.

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